Ultimate for Holistic Health.
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This in itself is an Asana of Yoga, a variation of Yoga.
Our Services
Asthma, Spinal disorder, Digestive disorder Lack of sexual potentiality Weak glands and nervous system
Homoeopathic medicines
(2) Apis Mellifica
(3) Belladona
(4) Ignatia Amara
(5) Lachesis
(6) Silicea
(8) Arnica Montana
(9) Bryonia Alba
(10) Calcarea Carbonica
(11) Graphites
(12) Nux Vomica
(13) Aloe Socotrina
(14) Antimonium Crudum
(15) Arsenicum Album
(16) Calcarea Phosphorica
(17) Dulcamara
(18) Pulsatilla Nigricans
(20) Carbo Vegetabilis
(21) Natrum Sulphuricum
(22) Sulphur
(23) Causticum
(24) Guaiacum
(25) Lycopodium Clavatum
(26) Medorrhinum
(27) Actaea Racemosa
(28) Cocculus Indicus
(29) Cyclamen Europaeum
(30) Nux Moschata
(31) Aurum Metallicum
(32) Conium Maculatum
(33) Amyl Nitrite
(34) Cactus Grandiflorus
(35) Crataegus oxyacantha
(36) Phosphorus
(37) Spongia Tosta
(38) Ammonium Bromatum
(39) Kali bromatum
(40) Phytolacca Decandra
(41) Thyroidinum
(42) Absinthium
(43) Anacardium Orientale
(44) Coffea Cruda
(45) Hyoscyamus Niger
(46) Passiflora Incarnata
Aconitum Napellus
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
(1) Acute Asthma
(2) Acute Tonsilitis
(3) Acute Apoplexy
(4) Acute Convulsion
(5) Acute Cough
(6) Acute Dysentry
(7) Acute Dysmenorrhea
(8) Bad effects of fear and fright
(9) Tension
(10) Headache, etc.
Apis Mellifica
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
(1) Abscess
(2) Apoplexy
(3) Bright's Diseases
(4) Carbuncle
(5) Cancerous affection
(6) Dropsy
(7) Eye troubles
(8) Gangrene
(9) Kidney disorders
(10) Menstrual disorders
(11) Rheumatism
(12) Skin Disease
(13) Urinary troubles, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
(1) Boils
(2) Abscess
(3) Apoplexy
(4) Convulsion
(5) Cough
(6) Delirium
(7) Epilepsy
(8) Fever
(9) Glandular affection
(10) Headache
(11) Measles
(12) Meningitis
(13) Dysmenorrhoea
(14) Mumps
(15) Rheumatism, etc.
Ignatia Amara
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anxiety
2. Convulsion
3. Constipation
4. Menstrual Disorders
5. Epilepsy
6. Headache
7. Hemorrhoids
8. Heart affection
9. Tonsillitis
10. Melancholia
11. Mental Disorders, etc
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Asthma
2. Apoplexy
3. Alcoholism
4. Boils and Carbuncles
5. Cough
6. Epilepsy
7. Diphtheria
8. Haemorrhoids
9. Liver affection
10. Glandular affection
11. Mental disorders
12. Purpura
13. Varicose veins, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Abdominal disorders
2. Abscess, boils and carbuncles
3. Bone affection
4. Constipation
5. Cough
6. Enuresis
7. Epilepsy
8. Expulsion of foreign body
9. Rheumatism
10. Tonsillitis
11. Sexual disorders
12. Urinary troubles
13. Somnambulism, etc.
Aesculus Hippocastanum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anal fissure
2. Backache
3. Constipation
4. Jaundice
5. Catarrah
6. Liver congestion
7. Portal congestion
8. Headache, etc.
Arnica Montana
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Abscess and boils
2. Apoplexy
3. Bruises
4. Ecchymosis
5. Brain affection
6. Haematemesis
7. Blood dysenentery
8. Meningitis
9. Paralysis
10. Rheumatic fever
11. Typhoid
12. Skin affection, etc.
Bryonia Alba
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Alcoholism
2. Asthma
3. Brain affection
4. Constipation
5. Meningitis
6. Rheumatism
7. Breast affection
8. Enteric fever
9. Pleurisy
10. Headache, etc.
Calcarea Carbonica
This medicine is generally effective in the treatment of the following diseases:-
1. Acidity
2. Abdominal disorders
3. Anaemia
4. Bone affections
5. Diabetes
6. Dropsy
7. Epilepsy
8. Glandular affections
9. Menstrual disorders
10. Pregnancy
11. Rheumatism, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anaemia
2. Acne
3. Breast affections
4. Cancer
5. Constipation
6. Eye affection
8. Headache
9. Menstrual disorders
10. Menopause syndrome
11. Stomach and abdominal disorders
12. Skin affections, etc.
Nux Vomica
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Alcoholism
2. Apoplexy
3.Urinary bladder affection
4. Catarrah
5. Convulsion
6. Dysentery
8. Gastro-intestinal disorders
9. Haemorrhoids
10. Headaches
11. Menstrual disorders
12. Paralysis, etc.
Aloe Socotrina
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anal affection
2. Abdominal disorders
3. Colic
4. Constipation
5. Dysentry
6. Haemorrhoids
7. Skin affection,etc.
Antimonium Crudum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Corns
2. Cattarrah
3. Constipation
4. Dysentery
5. Lungs affection
6. Piles
7. Stomach disorders
8. Warts
9. Skin disorders, etc.
Arsenicum Album
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Abscess
2. Alcoholism
3. Asthma
4. Abdominal disorders
5. Anaemia
6. Carbuncle
7. Cancerous affection
8. Cholera
9. Dropsy
10. Pleurisy, etc.
Calcarea Phosphorica
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anaemia
2. Abdominal disorders
3. Ankle's weakness
4. Bone affection
5. Bright's disease
6. Cretinism
7. Dentition
8. Diabetes
9. Menstrual troubles
10. Ricketes, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anasarca
2. Catarrah
3. Bladder affection
4. Cholera
5. Cough
6. Dropsy
7. Dysentery
8. Herpes
9. Meningitis
10. Warts, etc.
Pulsatilla Nigricans
This medicine is effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Acne
2. Abortion
3. Anaemia
4. Amenorrhoea
5. Bladder affection
6. Breast affection
7. Catarrah
8. Dyspepsia
9. Opthalmia
10. Rheumatism and Gout
11. Menstrual disorders
12. Varicose veins, etc.
Antimonium Tartaricum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Alcoholism
2. Apthous stomatitis
3. Asphyxia neonatorum
4. Asthma
5. Bronchitis
6. Chicken pox
7. Catarrah
8. Cholera
9. Fever
10. Impetigo
11. Rheumatism
12. Whooping cough, etc.
Carbo Vegetabilis
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Acne
2. Dyspepsia
3. Angina pectoris
4. Aphoria
5. Asthma
6. Bronchitis
7. Carbuncle
8. Cholera
9. Constipation
10. Dentition
11. Pregnancy disorders
12. Haemorrhage, etc.
Natrum Sulphuricum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Asthma
2. Digestive disorders
3. Biliousness
4. Diarrhoea
5. Cough
6. Diabetes
7. Epilepsy
8. Gonorrhoea
9. Meningitis
10. Pneumonia
11. Liver affection,etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anaemia
2. Acne
3. Asthma
4. Brain complaint
5. Constipation
6. Dysentery
7. Haemorrhoids
8. Menstrual disorders
9. Pregnancy disorders
10. Skin affection
11. Enuresis
12. Neuralgia,etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Bronchitis
2. Bladder affections
3. Chorea
4. Convulsion
5. Constipation
6. Epilepsy
7. Heart affection
8. Laryngitis
9. Paralysis
10. Pregnancy disorders
11. Rheumatism, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Arthritis
2. Rheumatism
3. Tonsillitis
4. Secondary syphilis
6. Abscess, etc.
Lycopodium Clavatum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Aneurysm
2. Asthma
3. Cancer
5. Diphtheria
6. Dysentery
7. Dyspepsia
8. Gall-stone
9. Liver affection
10. Impotency
11. Locomotor atoxy
12. Digestive disorders, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Asthma
2. Digestive disorders
3. Diabetes
4. Rheumatism
5. Gonorrhoea
6. Epilepsy
7. Headache
8. Mental disorders
9. Urinary
10. Warts
11. Tumours
12. Paralysis, etc
Actaea Racemosa
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Breast affections
2. Abortion tendency
3. Pregnancy disorders
4. Headache
5. Menstrual disorders
6. Rheumatism
7. Heart affection, etc.
Cocculus Indicans
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Breast affections
2. Abortion tendency
3. Pregnancy disorders
4. Headache
5. Menstrual disorders
6. Rheumatism
7. Heart affection, etc.
Cyclamen Europaeum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Chlorosis
2. Digestive disorders
3. Genito-urinary tract affection
4. Migraine
5. Hiccough
6. Chilblains, etc.
Nux Moschata
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Digestive disorders
2. Abortion
3. Apolexy
4. Asthma
5. Deltoid rheumatism
6. Haemorrhage
7. Heart troubles
8. Hysteria,etc.
Aurum Metallicum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Asthma
2. Alcoholism
3. Gonorrhoea
4. Glandular affection
5. Haemorrhoids
6. Heart affection
7. Locomotor ataxia
8. Syphilis
8. Urinary troubles
8. Paralysis, etc.
Conium Maculatum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Cystitis
2. Breast affection
3. Bronchitis
4. Cancer
5. Cataract
6. Chorea
7. Glandular affection
8. Menstrual disorder
8. Tumours
8. Paralysis, etc.
Amyl Nitrite
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Hypertension
2. Headache
3. Hiccough
4. Asthma
5. Palpitation of heart,etc.
Cactus Grandiflorus
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Apoplexy
2. Angina pectoris
3. Asthma
4. Brain affection
5. Fever
6. Heart affection
7. Rheumatism,etc
Crataegus oxyacantha
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Myocarditis
2. Arteriosclerosis
3. Insomnia
4. Anaemia
5. Anasarca
6. Juvenile diabetes,etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Anaemia
2. Asthma
3. Bone disorder
4. Cancer
5. Constipation
6. Enteric fever
7. Epilepsy
8. Heart affection
9. Liver affection
10. Rheumatism
11. Menstrual disorder
12. Paralysis,etc.
Spongia Tosta
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Asthma
2. Cramp
3. Goiter
4. Orchitis
5. Heart affection
6. Fever, etc.
Ammonium Bromatum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Laryngeal catarrah
2. Pharyngeal catarrah
3. Neuralgic headache
4. Whooping cough, etc.
Kali bromatum
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Acne
2. Impotency
3. Paralysis
4. Psoriasis
5. Gout
6. Insomnia
7. Apoplectic attacks
8. Epilepsy, etc.
Phytolacca Decandra
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Asthma
2. Angina pectoris
3. Breast affections
4. Cancer
5. Cicatrices
6. Constipation
7. Diphtheria
8. Gonorrhoea
9. Haemorrhoids
10. Leucorrhoea
12. Rheumatism
13. Syphilis, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Myxoedema
2. Cretinism
3. Rheumatoid arthritis
4. Rickets
5. Undescended testes
6. Psoriasis
7. Goiter
8. Uterine fibroid
9. Agalactea, etc.
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Epilepsy
2. Hysteria
3. Cerebral irritation
4. Chorea
5. Vertigo, etc
Anacardium Orientale
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Alcoholism
2. Digestive disorders
3. Constipation
4. Haemorrhoids
5. Headache
6. Heart affections
7. Nervous disorders
8. Skin affections, etc.
Coffea Cruda
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Neuralgia
2. Nervous palpitation
3. Headache
4. Pruritus vulvae, etc.
Hyoscyamus Niger
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Angina Pectoris
2. Bronchitis
3. Chorea
4. Delirium
5. Enteric fever
6. Epilepsy
7. Haemorrhage
8. Headache
9. Meningitis,etc.
Passiflora Incarnata
This medicine will be effective in treating the following diseases:-
1. Whooping cough
2. Hypertension
3. Neuralgia
4. Convulsion
5. Tetanus
6. Hysteria
7. Asthma, etc.