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This in itself is an Asana of Yoga, a variation of Yoga.
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What about YOGAPATHY ?
The word “Yoga” is associated largely with the acquisition and exhibition of supernatural powers. This is derived from the Sanskrit root “Yujir” meaning to “Unite” or “Connect”. It means connection between the sentient souls with the supreme soul.
According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, which is supposed to be the most important text of Yoga Philosophy, defines yoga as a state in which there is complete elimination of the thoughts and modification of the mind.
Types of Yoga: -

Hathayoga is the latest development of all the varieties of yoga as described above. This is actually the Therapeutic Yoga, and is basically a system of self-treatment.
According to yogic view, the diseases, disorders and ailments are the result of the faulty ways pf living, bad habits, lack of proper knowledge of things related to individual’s life, and improper food and thus, a state of short or prolonged malfunctioning of the body system caused by the imbalanced internal condition.
The patient is asked to practice yoga according to his diseases and his bodily conditions. In a majority of cases, a regular practice of only a few asanas is enough for curing the diseases. In some of the diseases, pranayamas together with the asanas becomes effective. In certain cases, specific kriyas such as bandhas, mudras are used for the desired result.
It is interesting to note that the same asanas, pranayamas, bandhas, mudras and other kriyas, which are, practiced for curative, preventive and general health purposes and practiced also for curing diseases.
In any medical system, the primary reliance is on medicine. The physician does the diagnosis, identifies the diseases and prescribes a suitable medicine. Here the patient has a very short role to correct the diseases and restore health, is only to take the medicine.
In Yogapathy, this external agent is not needed at all. It is the patient himself, whose personal understandings, correcting the mistakes, practice and care cures him.
I encounter several patients suffering from various chronic complicated diseases, where homoeopathic medicines take a lengthy time to achieve a permanent and satisfactory cure. In those cases, I applied also yogapathy and achieved a permanent cure within a short period. Specially, in cases of Arthritis, Asthma, Gastro-Intestinal disorders, Paralysis, Obesity, Mental illness etc.
The Therapeutic Yoga is mainly used as follows:-
(1) Asana: - It brings about bodily and mental stability, which is a mark of perfect health. It makes the body active and supple by removing extra fat and the impurities.
Types of Asanas:-
- Dhyanasana: - It helps to concentrate and to keep rest of mind. e.g.:(a) Padmasana (b) Virasana (c) Bakrasana (d) Badha Padmasana (e) Kukkutasana (f) Sidhasana (g) Vajrasana etc.
- Sasthwasana: - It protects us from different types of diseases. By practicing these asanas, the nerves, fibers, muscles remain in more healthy and strong state. e.g.: (a)Sabasana (b) Bhujangasana (c) Salvasana (d) Dhanurasana (e) Chakrasana (f) Padahastasana (g) Mayurasana (h) Pawanmuktasana etc.
(2) Mudra: - It keeps the exocrene and endocrene glands in normal activation. Because the fluids (hormones) mixed with the blood destroy the infected organisms and conduct the body properly and keeps it healthy. e.g.: (a) Yoga Mudra (b) Biparit Karani Mudra (c) Mahamudra (d) Aswinimudra (e) Uddiyan-bandh mudra etc.
- (3) Pranayama: - “Ayama” of “Prana” or “Amplitude” of “Breath”. It can overcome the everish, illness and premature-death by changing the flow of normal breath (Inhalation and Exhalation). Some examples of pranayama are (a) Bhramana Pranayama (b) Sitkari Pranayama (c) Sitali Pranayama (d) Bhastrika Pranayama (e) Kapalvarti Pranayama (f) Suryaved Pranayama
Since the system of Yogapathy (Therapeutic Yoga) is now scientifically established. It can be used as a “self cure method” in a proper direction by patients suffering from various disorders in any part of world.
So when a diseased person comes, at first, take the history of the patient and his/her diseases, then examine the patient and individualize from other patients and make a prescription by giving a complete yogasana chart according to the physical and mental diseases.